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Magnitude of lead poisoning among unorganized battery workers

Authors:Vishal Babu G N, Raviraja A, Thuppil Venkatesh
Int J Biol Med Res. 2014; 5(2): 4129-4132  |  PDF File


Aim-A comparative study of renal functions and blood pressure of controls, organized and unorganized sector of battery workers was conducted to study the magnitude of lead poisoning in unorganized battery workers. Methods:Ninety subjects were selected for the study of which: Group A had 30 Controls; Group B had 30 organized battery workers and Group C had 30 unorganized battery workers. They were evaluated for their Blood lead level(BLL), Zinc Protoporphyrin(ZPP) and renal functions along with measurement of blood pressure. Results and Conclusion:This study shows that there is statistical significance between Group B and Group C in Blood Lead level (p<0.001), Zinc Protoporphyrin (p<0.001), Urea (p<0.001) and Uric Acid (p<0.001). There was significant difference in Blood Lead level, Zinc protoporphyrin and renal parameters between the two sector though there was no significant difference between the two in terms of blood pressure. This magnitude in unorganized sector was mainly due to the absence of precautionary principles. More than this lack of awareness among the battery workers was significant