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Anaesthesia management for a case of chorea gravidarum

Authors:Sujatha Papireddy, Ravi Madhusudhana , Somasekharam Potli, Dinesh Karthik, Kishore Kumar
Int J Biol Med Res. 2011; 2(3): 816-817  |  PDF File


Chorea gravidarum is a rare condition which may present at term with or with out previous history of Rheumatic Fever. Many reasons are quoted as causes leading to this condition. We are reporting a case which presented for anaesthesia for caesarean section, which was first in our institute. Goal was to minimise the movements, airway protection, stable heamodynamics, safe confinement, rapid and safe recovery. General anaesthesia is preferred over regional as the abnormal movements can be uncontrollable and disturbing to the patient and Doctors in conduct of surgery and anaesthesia.