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Needless pain- recurrent intusucception: a sequelae of peutz jeghers syndrome. rare case report and review of literature

Authors:Kumar.S, Ambikavathy.M
Int J Biol Med Res. 2015; 6(1): 4820-4823  |  PDF File


PeutzJeghers syndrome is a condition in which multiple hamartomatous polyps are present in the gastrointestinal tract in association with distinctive mucocutaneous pigmentations. Males and Females are equally affected and can occur in any racial or ethnic group. It is considered rare with prevalence ranging between 1:250,000 and 1:300,000 and in India 4,260 per 1,065,070,607 population.Patients with PuetzJeghers syndrome often present with history of pain abdomen due to small bowel obstruction / intusucception . We report a case of a male patient aged 22 years who presented with severe anaemia and chronic pain abdomen with bleeding per rectum from one year on and off. The patient was diagnosed as PeutzJeghers Syndrome with sub acute small bowel obstruction due to recurrent intusucceptions. He underwent laparotomy with reduction of intusucceptions and resection and anastomosis along with intraoperative enteroscopicpolypectomy. Histopathological examination confirmed as hamartomatous polyp of small bowel and colon. The Patient was symptom free at follow up at six months post surgery, and he was lost to follow up after that.