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Anatomical variation-communication between musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve

Authors:S.Lokanadham , V.Subhadra Devi
Int J Biol Med Res. 2012; 3(1): 1436-1438  |  PDF File


Variations of the musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve at the level of brachial plexus are common. During our routine dissection we observed a branch communicating between the musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve in a fifty year old male cadaver right upper limb. The communicating branch arising from the musculocutaneous nerve distal to the coracobrachialis in upper one third of the arm along with normal muscular branches of the nerve. In the same limb we also observed an accessory head of biceps brachii muscle. To prevent unwanted outcomes of operations conducted on musculo cutaneous nerve, it gives clinical consideration during surgical interventions and clinical investigations of the arm.